
Moisturises and brightens

This Glowing Oil has been specially developed for use on the body and hair.

A 100% natural glow treatment, composed of 7 precious oils and vitamin E.

This concentrate of active plant ingredients, very quickly absorbed, moisturises, illuminates and revitalises the epidermis.

Rich in Omega 6 and Omega 9, it helps to maintain the youthfulness of your skin by soothing and softening it.


This 3-in-1 oil contains natural and effective active ingredients. Its silky texture quickly penetrates the skin, day after day it is sublimated, with a satin effect. The hair regains its shine.

Lumière d’Or is composed of precious active ingredients including Urucum, a plant rich in beta carotene that enhances the complexion and tanning.


Regenerates, soothes and protects. A smooth and satin finish


Moisturised and illuminated skin for the day.


Apricot kernel oil / Jojoba vegetable oil / Sesame oil / Borage oil / Grapefruit essential oil / Mandarin essential oil / Patchouli essential oil / Vitamin E / Sunflower oil / Aromatic compounds naturally present in essential oils


The lists of ingredients used in the products are updated regularly. Before using a Celestyah product, please read the ingredient list on the packaging to ensure that the ingredients are suitable for your personal use.

How to use

Use morning and evening on clean, dry skin. Put some oil in the palm of your hand or directly on the part of the body to be moisturized.

Gently massage the Oil of Light into your skin to obtain a silky sensation on the surface. For use on your hair, we recommend putting some oil in your hands and running them through your hair in large, fluid strokes.

The Oil of Light does not carry any particular risk as to the photo-toxic nature of the essential oils it contains, as their dosage is low enough not to pose any problem. However, we invite you to avoid overexposure to the sun after having applied the Oil of Light as it has no anti-UV effect.

It is recommended for use after the sun, on clean skin, to perfect your tan.

Authentifiez votre produit

Afin de vous garantir l’authenticité de ses produits, Celestyah protège l’ensemble de sa gamme avec des scellés de sécurité. 

L’image ci-contre vous permet de vérifier l’authenticité de produit Celestyah que vous avez en main. 

Nous vous engageons a bien vérifier par comparaison la conformité entre le scellé sur le produit et l’image présentée.

Votre routine beauté

1. Purifier


Cette lotion nettoie tout en douceur la peau de votre visage.
Cette bulle de confort laisse votre peau nette et douce.
Le teint est frais et lumineux.

2. Corriger


Le Gommage Corps Revitalisant parfumé de notes fraîches et vivifiantes est très riche en cristaux de sels marins reminéralisants et extraits de plantes afin d’éliminer efficacement les cellules mortes, impuretés et rugosités.

3. Hydrater


Cette crème énergisante, fine et fondante, est le soin hydratant idéal pour assurer à toutes les jeunes femmes une peau zéro défaut et révéler son éclat et sa fraîcheur.

4. Apaiser


La Crème Riche Hydra-Apaisante hydrate et revitalise, pour une peau repulpée et éclatante. Ses céramides végétales renforcent et protègent la peau

Les dernières recherches, des ingrédients naturels, le plus haut niveau d’expertise, le meilleur service – et toujours l’accent sur les personnes.


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